A Box of Tissues, 2 Rolls of Toilet Paper, and a Plastic Bottle of Water

This book was originally published as a short story in June, 2016 as a free to download ebook in Smashwords.com. To date (September 3, 2017), there have been 256 downloads and two great comments.

Here is the link to that free download:  Smashwords – A Box of Tissues, 2 Rolls of Toilet Paper and a Plastic Bottle of Water

My plans are to eventually expand this book as short story #1 in a series of six short stories to be published as one book titled The Great ‘Lil Escapes.

 The 10 short stories will be titled as follows:

  1. A Box of Tissues, 2 Rolls of Toilet Paper, and a Plastic Bottle of Water
  2.  The Brave ‘Lil Cockroach
  3.  The Fire Escape
  4. Give That Dog a Bone
  5.  Spiders, Roaches, and Rats, Oh My!
  6. Breathe, Cathy, Breathe
  7. Wally, Is that You?
  8. Go Marvin. You Can Make It
  9. The Confederate Soldier’s Uniform and the Crinoline Hooped Dress
  10. Destiny and Fate Awate

Below is a synopsis of A Box of Tissues, 2 Rolls of Toilet Paper, and a Plastic Bottle of Water:

A famous wealthy and prestigious Tampa Bay, Florida defense attorney has been beaten, kidnapped, drugged, and thrown into a room containing only a potty chair, two rolls of toilet paper, a box of tissues, and a plastic bottle of water.

He wakes up to find his wallet and jewelry missing; his clothes are filthy and bloody. He has no idea where he is, who did this to him, or why.

The first thing he must do is to find a way to “safely” get out of this room without alarming the people who put him here, but how?

This short story describes the attorney’s situation in detail, what he did to extricate himself and turn the tables on his captors.


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